
The Real Story of My Life and More...

Mark Twain

First you have to have really “Read” Mark Twain’s: Not, a little enough to understand his POV. That’s not a Porn shot. Literature, history, Genesis and beginning something.

Maslow Hierarchy

Learned Something New

I learned something new: Retributionism. It’s directed, measured, and proportional. Revenge sometimes isn’t any of the three. It’s a moral and legal argument  for the death penalty. I’ve always been a retributive person if forced to act. My brother is my bi-polar opposite. Pun intended. He’s nuts and hated me for years.

17 Years Old

Since I was 17 years old, I’ve felt my life was hard to stabilize. Events seemed as if I were “Going thru the wringer”. In response I either extend an open hand. If rejected, then the middle finger!

Society Today

I believe society requires all of us in our own ways to be warriors and poets. Keeping the balance. Eminem sings like a warrior sounds like a poet sometimes… Say high! I am the real Slim Shady. Eminem makes a point “Lose Yourself in the Moment”. Best way to succeed at task, mission or anything…
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No Country for Old Men

Now, at the other end I try hard not to feel like Tommy Lee Jones at the end of “No Country for Old Men”. Satisfied being an immigrant, soldier, machinist, CAD, Designer, Manufacturing Engineer, Student, and Scholar. Both going to and teaching at University, machine shops, and the military has been good. What do you…
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New York Cops

Cops are wrong even when they try hard to do what’s right. Poor lady in New York. People throwing buckets of water. Gotta love it, police right there but it’s not actually assault on the surface. If she would have ran away, could I carry a 30 to 50 pound bucket of sloshing water to…
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The World is my Oyster

0 to 15, life was great except Dad started dying at the end. 15 to 30, Dad passed, Mom moved back to Belgium with younger sister and brother. She wanted me to leave as well but I had started my Senior year in high school. I did a lot of stumbling by myself. Kept trying…
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Hungarian Nature

If I could say 1 thing to Mahapuche children in Argentina, I think. Don’t be ashamed to speak a language or follow traditions of your parents. Even being ridiculed and bullied. Please listen and learn from it all and most importantly from this history. Nitchze said if it doesn’t kill me it makes me stronger.…
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Life Lessons

I think I figured out a way to swim with little fish and whales. If you need to hurt me, make sure I can’t solve the issue my way. Otherwise, Lead, Follow, or Get the Hell Outta My Way!