The World is my Oyster

The Real Story of My Life and More...

The World is my Oyster

0 to 15, life was great except Dad started dying at the end.
15 to 30, Dad passed, Mom moved back to Belgium with younger sister and brother. She wanted me to leave as well but I had started my Senior year in high school. I did a lot of stumbling by myself. Kept trying school, factory work, office work, any work sometimes. Had to pay my way since I had no family around to help me. All my friends going thru same growing pains mostly but best decision I made was joining Ohio National Guard in 1978 when I was 23. A direction, a family, a cause!

Made a deal to let me stay in house, graduate then decide. She came back, I stayed. She sold the house and I moved into Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity at the University of Akron in the summer of 1974 alone.

Mom, Kathy, and George stayed for my birthday at Thanksgiving 1973, but they were gone by Christmas and New Year’s in 1974.

I’ve felt like the cat 2 many times and 2 many bad hombres! Que! Never dismiss cats, excellent predators! Survivors.

Watching kids “I didn’t realize vaping was addictive”. Dealing with Nicotine Demon for 40 years now. From .25 cents packs of Pall Malls to today. NICOTINE is a DRUG dummies! Have a real party eat nicotine gummy candy. See what that tastes like, trust me I pretty much know from dental hygiene. NOT GOOD!