No Country for Old Men

The Real Story of My Life and More...

No Country for Old Men

Now, at the other end I try hard not to feel like Tommy Lee Jones at the end of “No Country for Old Men”.

Satisfied being an immigrant, soldier, machinist, CAD, Designer, Manufacturing Engineer, Student, and Scholar. Both going to and teaching at University, machine shops, and the military has been good.

What do you think about: The Media are Tools [pics of tools] sometimes Fools [masks]. Don’t always believe easily. Think, think for yourself. Think “Critically”. Don’t just criticize. That’s the easy way too! Hurts us all.

Democrats are so busy fighting and fighting into any possible “Dirt” they believe they’ll find if they just look into President Trump that I’m reminded of mushrooms. Kept in dark, grown in manure. Harvested by people expressing their “Derrières” as they stoop so low desperately seeking dreams and fantasies. Assholes! How’d they got to have such a powerful voice? Why aren’t they using it constructively yet? Fighting and digging by exposing people.